BaDaaa Boom..!! BaDaaa Bing..!!
Pelah yg miSS ieQa melalutkan ni..?!! Kebosanan sebenarnya akibat dari cuaca yg sgt HOT n i'm sweating a lot. Lewat malam pun SERIOUSLY sanggup pergi mandi tau..(makaiii..miSS ieQa dah cari penyakit ni, alamat ASTHMA blh datang menyerang ni..) Anyway, i'm still in front of my daughter desk with my beloved computer BLOGGING..!!! hihihihiiiii..!! ^_^
Malam tadi niat nak ambil angin air-cond kat JJ as it JAYA JUSCO but my daughter spoil the moment of having a nice smooth cool air as it AIR-CONDITIONER..dah panas bikin panas lagi. Boleh pula die terjerit2 mcm org histeria kat dalm JJ tu geram betul miSS ieQa. Lastnye, balik saje looo..!! (Hampe..)
Nak tau mengamuk sbb ape...?!! She asked her daddy to by her a book but her daddy refuse. Bukan taknak belikan but mmg xde budget, niat nk kuar jln2 ambil angin jerr..Hmmmm...
Sian pulak miSS ieQa pd die sbb on the way blk tu kite dh marah die. Tersedu2 die menangis tau..subb..sub..( '__' ) Now, she's a sleep..penat sebenarnya sbb tu bnyk sgt wat hal, but don't worry. Mummy already promise, once mummy got payment mummy willt bought the book that she asked 4. Of course i'll keep my promise, she's the only daughter that i've got..
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